Before the release of Salman Khan's movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan in April, Bollywood Hungama had reported that Salman Khan was discussing a new project with filmmaker Karan Johar. More recently, we were the first to inform you that the said film would be helmed by Shershaah director Vishnu Vardhan. According to a reliable source in the film industry, Salman Khan was reviewing scripts and expressed interest in one from Dharma Productions for a 2024 Eid release. However, now in latest episode of Aap Ki Adalat, Salman confirmed the same.
During an interview with Rajat Sharma on Aap Ki Adalat, Salman was asked about his collaboration with Karan, to which he nodded yes and confirmed that they will be working together on a new film. Salman Khan mentioned that he received a call from Karan Johar offering him a film, and also shared that Aditya Chopra had approached him for a movie. He said, “Ab Karan Johar ka phone aaya ki ek film hai. These are the big producer-directors who want to work with me. I also want to work with them. These all began to happen since the past 10 years, uske pehle no one approached me.”
Earlier, a source had informed Bollywood Hungama, “Talks between the two have been going on for a while; in fact, the latest update is that Shershaah director Vishnu Vardhan has apparently been finalized to direct the venture. Though the proverbial dotted line is yet to be signed between all concerned parties, progress has been steady.” Ask for details on the film and the source continues, “The film will see Salman Khan and Karan Johar coming together after a gap of 25 years, though there were reports that the actor had signed on for Shuddhi, the venture never really panned out. Given this fact, and of course the fact that the venture would release on Eid, the makers are sure to pull out all stops to ensure its grandeur.”
Salman Khan and Karan Johar had earlier worked together in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. This will mark as their second collaboration after 25 years.
While currently Salman Khan is enjoying the success of his recent release Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, the forthcoming venture with Karan is said to still be in the nascent stages of development. Interestingly, besides this venture Salman will also be seen later this year in the YRF spy universe film Tiger 3, that is directed by Maneesh Sharma and Siddharth Anand's Tiger vs Pathaan.
Also Read: Salman Khan enacts how Sanjay Dutt tried to convince him for marriage on a show
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